Available for shipment to any location worldwide

(843) 241-9383

We Buy & Sell Cotton Gin Machinery

60 years of experience in operating, erecting and repairing all makes of gins..

Ginning Sales & Parts

Humphrey Coker Machinery Division

We will list your module truck for sale on our website call us to inquire.

2000 Model Mack, CH613 427 Mack Engine, 545,000 miles, FUll Synthetic oil its entire life, 10 Speed Eaton Fullen Transmission, Air ride cab, Air ride suspension GLB Bed with Rubber Tracks - SOLD

1996 Peterbuilt, N14 Cummins, Full Synthetic oil its entire life, Air ride cab, Air ride suspension, Excellent Condition, 10 Speed Etaton Fuller Transmission, 540,000 Miles, GLB Bed with Rubber Tracks - SOLD

​1996 Volvo, 470 Detroit 10 Speed, Mechanical Bed, Air Ride Suspension, 80% tires - CALL FOR PRICE

2004 Kenworth T-800, C-12 Caterpillar, 10 Speed Eaton Fuller Transmission with Triple J Bed, 112,000 miles - SOLD

Bart Daniel
(843) 241-9383

If you have Module Trucks or cotton gin equipment & your looking to sell it, please give us an opportunity to give you a bid. - We can also just list your equipment on our website.

​​​Are you looking for a Module Trucks?
Let us know what you are looking for and we will find it..

1 Trucks in Inventory Listed Below

Please contact us to check availability.
We try hard to keep this list current but their are times that we do have machinery & equipment that is not listed!

Module Trucks Machinery Inventory

Module Trucks